
Kachanova T.L., Fomin B.F. Qualitology of system knowledge: tutorial. ETU (“LETI”) Publishing Center, St.Petersburg, 2014. 132 p. ISBN 978-5-7629-1488-8. (In Russian)

Kachanova T.L., Fomin B.F. Methods and technologies of generating system knowledge: tutorial. ETU (“LETI”) Publishing Center, St.Petersburg, 2012. 132 p. ISBN 978-5-7629-1197-9, (In Russian) 

Viacheslav Ageev, Boris Fomin, Oleg Fomin, Tamara Kachanova, Chao Chen, Maria Spassova, Leonid Kopylev. Physics of Open Systems: A New Approach to Use Genomics Data in Risk Assessment / The Continuum of Health Risk Assessments, Edited by Michael G. Tyshenko, Published by InTech 2012, pp. 135-160. ISBN 980-953-307-582-7.

Kachanova T.L., Fomin B.F. Introduction into language of systems. “Nauka”, St.Petersburg, 2009. – 340 p. ISBN 978-5-02-025360-5, (in Russian).

Kachanova T.L., Fomin B.F. Technology of system reconstructions. Publishing Centre “Politechnika”, St. Petersburg, 2003. – 146 p. (In: Problems of innovation development, issue 2). ISBN 5-7325-0772-8, (in Russian).

Kachanova T.L., Fomin B.F. Meta-technology of system reconstructions. ETU (“LETI”) Publishing Center, St. Petersburg, 2002. – 336 p. ISBN 5-7629-0439-3, (in Russian).

Kachanova T.L., Fomin B.F. Information technology of strategic problems’ solution. Publishing Centre “Politechnika”, St. Petersburg, 2002. – 76 p. (In: Problems of innovation development, issue 1), ISBN 5-7325-0717-5, (in Russian).

General Allergology. Vol. 1 // Allergology. In 2 Vol. / Ed. by prof. G.B. Fedoseev. Nordmedizdat, St.Petersburg, 2001. – pp. 539-562. ISBN 5-93114-024-7, (in Russian).

Kachanova T.L., Fomin B.F. Foundations of the systemology of phenomenal world. ETU (“LETI”) Publishing Center, St. Petersburg, 1999. – 180 p. ISBN 5-7629-0293-5, (in Russian).

Mechanisms of inflammation in bronchi and lungs and antiinflammatory therapy // Ed. by prof. G.B. Fedoseev. Nordmedizdat, St.Petersburg, 1998. – pp. 335-362. ISBN 5-93114-004-2, (in Russian).

Nemtzov V.I., Kachanova T.L. Formation mechanisms of inflammation in bronchi and lungs // Bronchial asthma. Vol.2 / Ed. by prof. G.B. Fedoseev. Medical information agency, St.Petersburg, 1996. pp. 109-119. ISBN 5-85619-083-1, (in Russian).

Nemtsov V.I. Possibilities of the new mathematical method of system modeling in the study of bronchial obstruction mechanisms // Fedoseev G.B. Bronchial obstruction mechanisms. Medical information agency, St.Petersburg. 1995. – pp. 273-293. ISBN 5-85169-073-4, (in Russian).

Fomin B.F., Yakovlev V.B. Modeling of production systems. Ed. by academician of AS USSR Emelyanov S.V. and academician of AS USSR Mihalevich V.S. – Vishcha shkola, Kiev, 1992. – 191 p. ISBN 5-11-003721-3, (in Russian).

Emelyanov S.V., Kalashnikov V.V., Fomin B.F. Methodological questions of system modeling // Technology of system modeling / Avramchuk E.F., Emelyanov S.V., Vavilov A.A. et al., Ed. by Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1988. – pp. 8-28. ISBN 5-217-00150-X, (in Russian).

Emelyanov S.V., Kalashnikov V.V., Fomin B.F. General questions of modeling complex system // Technology of system modeling / Avramchuk E.F., Emelyanov S.V., Vavilov A.A. et al., Ed. by Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1988. – pp. 29-54. ISBN 5-217-00150-X, (in Russian).

Avramchuk E.F., Fomin B.F. Models of system dynamics // Technology of system modeling / Avramchuk E.F., Emelyanov S.V., Vavilov A.A. et al., Ed. by Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1988. – pp. 124-152. ISBN 5-217-00150-X, (in Russian).

Avramchuk E.F., Vavilov A.A., Fomin B.F. Stratified approach to construction of formal structures of models // Technology of system modeling / Avramchuk E.F., Emelyanov S.V., Vavilov A.A. et al., Ed. by Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1988. – pp. 154-192. ISBN 5-217-00150-X, (in Russian).

Avramchuk E.F., Fomin B.F. Structural controllability of dynamic systems with parametric relations // Technology of system modeling / Avramchuk E.F., Emelyanov S.V., Vavilov A.A. et al., Ed. by Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1988. – pp. 193-236. ISBN 5-217-00150-X, (in Russian).

Fomin B.F., Yavor A. Modeling languages // Technology of system modeling / Avramchuk E.F., Emelyanov S.V., Vavilov A.A. et al., Ed. by Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1988. – pp. 331-355. ISBN 5-217-00150-X, (in Russian).

Vavilov A.A., Fomin B.F. Simulation centers // Technology of system modeling / Avramchuk E.F., Emelyanov S.V., Vavilov A.A. et al., Ed. by Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1988. – pp. 437-500. ISBN 5-217-00150-X, (in Russian).

Fomin B.F. Models of material flows in FMS // Management in FMS: Models and algorithms / Ed. by academician of AS USSR Emelyanov S.V. Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1987. – pp. 35-156, (in Russian).

Vavilov A.A., Imaev D.H., Fomin B.F. System modeling, analysis and evolutionary synthesis of complex control systems // Simulation modeling of production systems / Ed. by a corresponding member of AS USSR Vavilov A.A., Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1983. – pp. 5-100, (in Russian and German).

Fomin B.F. Simulation dynamic models for research of operating management's processes on technological lines with discrete processing of the product // Simulation modeling of production systems / Ed. by a corresponding member of AS USSR Vavilov A.A., Mashinostroenie, Moscow, Verlag-Technik, Berlin, 1983. – pp. 280-341, (in Russian and German).